Gestalt Certification Training Requirements
Students are required to attend 4 semesters if working towards certification in Gestalt therapy. There is no time limit for completing the 4 semesters, and you do not have to complete the semesters in consecutive order. We have a rolling admissions, so new students can start at the beginning of any semester. You also do not need to commit to the entire training program up front. You can attend any semester that is of interest to you without committing to the entire certification program.
Personalized Training (PT):
Students are required to complete 12 hours of individual or group PT with either Stephanie Joseph, Michael Gay, Joan Rieger, or any GIR guest faculty.
PT is designed for you to discuss and integrate material or issues of interest to you regarding the training program. This is a place to build skills and receive feedback in areas requiring improvement.
PT can take place either in the office, via phone or Zoom. Cost is $150/hour for individual PT or $150/2 hours for group PT.
Review of Competency:
To demonstrate competency and fluency in gestalt theory, principles, and skills, students are required to submit an in-depth written essay or video presentation.
Students are asked to demonstrate and understanding in Gestalt Therapy by writing/or recording:
What was their experience like at the GIR?
What were the Gestalt theory or concepts that resonated the most and why?
How do you imagine incorporating Gestalt into your professional life?
Students will get further guidance on what to write or speak about when they arrive at this point of the certification.
Graduation Interview:
Prior to graduation, students will meet with a core GIR faculty member to review graduation requirements.
Students are expected to attend all classes. If a student miss more than 2 days in the semester, they are required to retake that semester. There will be no refunds issued if a student fails to attend required number of classes.